Manifest / gebruikersvoorwaarden

Doel van deze website

Het Shiatsu Platform heeft als doel om de zichtbaarheid van shiatsu te vergroten binnen de reguliere en complementaire gezondheidszorg en bij het Nederlandse publiek.

The Shiatsu Platform aims to increase the visibility & recognition of shiatsu within public and complementary health care organisastion and within the general (Dutch) society.

#1 Open Space

Shiatsu Platform is a community which is welcoming all people, from all shiatsu styles, from all over the world. Members are free to enter and leave at any time.

#2 Sharing

All the content produced as part of Shiatsu Platform is free to use, adjust and share, with due reference to the author which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

#3 Togetherness

Shiatsu Platform is experimenting and stimulating collaborations and shiatsu initiatives from a joint perspective. You can build and expand a network of shiatsu experts and engage in collaborations on the various perspectives of shiatsu

#4 Education

Shiatsu Platform focuses on the education and promotion of shiatsu

#5 Self-sufficient

Shiatsu Platform strives to be a self-sufficient community regarding e.g. the online platform and meeting locations. On this fertile ground, members of the community create a surplus that flows back into the Shiatsu Platform treasury.

#6 Respect

Within Shiatsu Platform there is respect for everyone’s ideas and input. Active participation is rewarded being established on the basis of consensus within the community.